Fotona Laser Treatments
We are excited to share with you our modern day laser treatments, non-invasive body contouring and procedures customized for your specific needs. We are confident that our expertise and advanced laser technology can help you achieve your dreams.
We have the world-leading medical laser FOTONA recognized for its innovative, award- winning laser systems in Aesthetics , Dermatology and Surgery.
Laser Hair Removal
Resurfacing & Tightening
4-D Non-Invasive FaceliftThe Fotona 4D Treatment lifts, tightens, plumps, improves skin texture, and provides wrinkle reduction on the skin.TheFotona 4D Laser Facelift is a revolutionary non-surgical procedure to address skin laxity, lines, wrinkles, loss of volume, and uneven tone & texture on the face.The 4D treatment strengthens collagen and immediately lifts by collagen contraction. New Collagen production is also stimulated, resulting in tightness and increased elasticity of your skin. The synergistic laser treatments treat both the exterior of the face as well as the interior oral cavity to produce results from both inside and out. The procedure provides both immediate and ongoing results.There is no downtime and you can continue your daily activities right after treatment.
Frac 3 Rejuvenation
Acne Vulgaris Treatment
Laser Peel for Scars/Acne Scars, Wrinkles, Pigmentation
Deep Fractionated
Body Contouring (Fat Reduction & Skin Tightening)
3-D Skin tightening and Stretchmark reduction
TightsculptingNon- Surgical Blepharoplasty
Snoring Laser Treatment
Laser Feminine rejuvenation
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Vascular Lesion Treatments
Vascular lesions do not go away by themselves, but they can be treated by laser therapy. Vascular lesions are comprised of blood vessels that have formed in an abnormal pattern directly underneath the surface of the skin. This usually results in a red or purple lesion since the blood vessels can be visible through the skin. These lesions occur in many sizes, shapes and forms all over the body. These lesions occur in a variety of forms including port wine stains, “broken” capillaries, hemangiomas, and cherry angiomas. Blue veins around the under eyes can also be treated. The redness and broken blood vessels of rosacea also fall into this category of vascular lesion laser treatment.
Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that typically affects the face. It results in redness, pimples, swelling, and small and superficial dilated blood vessels. Often the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin are most involved.
Telangiectasias Removal
Telangiectasia is a condition in which widened venules (tiny blood vessels) cause threadlike red lines or patterns on the skin. These patterns, or telangiectases, form gradually and often in clusters. They’re sometimes known as “spider veins” because of their fine and weblike appearance.
Laser Treatment focuses on improving the appearance of the skin. Laser targets the widened vessel and seals it (this usually involves little pain and has a short recovery period).Treatment for Onychomycosis ( Nail Fungus)
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection usually caused by a special type of fungus known as a dermatophyte. These sorts of fungi are generally confined to the dead, horny outer layers of the skin and gradually progress to involve the nail plate.
Laser light passes through the nail and the surrounding tissue
The laser light is absorbed by pigment in the fungi causing the pigment to heat
This heat kills or damages the fungal organism
Can result in your nail growing normally